Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rochester, Pennsylvania
Henry Doktorski, III

October 4, 2015—19th Sunday after Pentecost

In today’s Gospel (Mark 10:2-16) Jesus speaks to his disciples, “Let the little children come to me . . . Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” Our Offertory Anthem, “Let the Children Come to Me” by Rory Cooney, reminds us, “What you’ve hidden from the wise, you made clear to children’s eyes. . . . From the mouths of children and babes you have fashioned perfect praise.”

Rory Cooney
Rory Cooney

Rory Cooney (b. 1952) is a liturgist, composer, musician, author, and presenter. His work is found in most Catholic hymnals and missalettes. He has a Bachelor Degree in Liberal Studies from St. Mary of the Barrens Seminary in Perryville, Missouri and a two year certificate from Corpus Christi Center for Advanced Liturgical Study. He currently serves as Music Director at Saint Anne in Barrington, Illinois. Previously, he served as Director of Liturgy and Music at St. Jerome Catholic Community in Phoenix, Arizona, for eleven years.

He is the composer of a dozen recorded collections of liturgical music published by Oregon Catholic Press, World Library Publications, and GIA Publications. 33 of his texts and 29 of his tunes have been published in hymnals and songbooks. His “Mass of St. Aidan,” part of the World Library collection Christ the Icon, won the 2006 UCMVA Unity award for Best Liturgical Song. He was the recipient of the Pastoral Musician of the Year award from the National Association of Pastoral Musicians at the 2014 convention in St. Louis. His personal website can be accessed at

To listen to “Let the Children Come to Me” by Rory Cooney:




Genesis 2:18-24
Psalm 8
Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12
Mark 10:2-16

Music & Hymns

Gathering ELW 641 All Are Welcome
Hymn of the Day LBW 474 Children of the Heavenly Father
Offertory Let the Children Come to Me (Rory Cooney)
Communion LBW 52 Your Little Ones, Dear Lord
Sending LBW 518 Beautiful Savior


Holy Bible, New Revised Standard Version (Zonderfan: 1989)
LBW: Lutheran Book of Worship (Augsburg Publishing House: 1978)
WOV: With One Voice (Augsburg Fortress: 1995)
W&P: Worship & Praise Songbook (Augsburg Fortress: 1999)
ELW: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Augsburg Fortress: 2006)
GIA Publications:


Notes from the Music Director (No. 12)